
Join us as we explore the mysteries of the edge.

Upcoming Events

Horizon Walk 2025: January 25th

Location: Flatlands Trail

Join us for a scenic walk along Flatlands Trail to debate whether the horizon really curves. Binoculars optional but encouraged.

Earth-Shaped Pizza Night: February 7th

Location: Local Pizza Parlor

Flat or round, pizza is always delicious. Debate the shape of Earth while enjoying cheesy goodness in all forms.

Flat Earth Symposium: March 20th

Location: Downtown Conference Center

A day filled with talks, debates, and hands-on activities to explore alternative perspectives on the shape of our planet.

Past Events

Edge Explorer 2024: September 18th

Location: Local Field

Surveyors searched for 'the edge' in a local field. The only edge found was in everyone’s humor by the end of the day.

Gravity Test 2023: July 12th

Location: Community Center

Objects dropped, opinions rose. The debate over whether gravity exists continues to this day.

Horizon Potluck: May 4th

Location: Town Park

Families came together to share food and discuss whether the horizon curves—or if that’s just the lasagna talking.